Thursday, August 26, 2010

Online Sewing Class

I have decided to take part in this online sewing class. One day--when I have the time--I will get around to actually sewing these items, but for now I know that they are there. I'm really excited since I have never taken a formal sewing class in school...probably because I took drafting. ;)

First Day of School

Yeah! Jared posted to our blog! He started his own blog about his bike and other projects so I'll have him post the link for any who are interested. (He'll probably update his blog more often than we update this one.) was the first day of school and I'm so excited because I don't have to teach Careers this year! It's great to be able to teach classes where students actually want to be there. I will still have challenges (four different classes) but I will also have a lot of fun.

Thursday, August 19, 2010


So I don't have much to say, other than meetings are not the funnest thing.  So school starting up and the copies are being made and the material is being ordered.